Adventurer Token Deck Breakdown

Cards Usage Statistic

Main Deck

SR Rarity
D.D. Crow
SR Rarity
D.D. Crow
SR Rarity
D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
  • ATK:

  • 100

  • DEF:

  • 100

(Quick Effect): You can discard this card to the GY, then target 1 card in your opponent's GY; banish that target.

UR Rarity
Maxx "C"
UR Rarity
Maxx "C"
UR Rarity
Maxx "C"
Maxx "C"
  • ATK:

  • 500

  • DEF:

  • 200

During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), immediately draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.

N Rarity
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
N Rarity
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
N Rarity
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
  • ATK:

  • 1200

  • DEF:

  • 1500

You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Orcust" monster in your GY, except "Orcust Cymbal Skeleton"; Special Summon it, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except DARK monsters. You can only use this effect of "Orcust Cymbal Skeleton" once per turn.

R Rarity
Orcust Harp Horror
R Rarity
Orcust Harp Horror
R Rarity
Orcust Harp Horror
Orcust Harp Horror
  • ATK:

  • 1700

  • DEF:

  • 1400

You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 "Orcust" monster from your Deck, except "Orcust Harp Horror", also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except DARK monsters. You can only use this effect of "Orcust Harp Horror" once per turn.

R Rarity
Orcust Knightmare
R Rarity
Orcust Knightmare
R Rarity
Orcust Knightmare
Orcust Knightmare
  • ATK:

  • 100

  • DEF:

  • 2000

Cannot be destroyed by battle with a Link Monster. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; you cannot Special Summon monsters, except DARK monsters, for the rest of this turn, also send 1 DARK Machine monster from your Deck to the GY, except "Orcust Knightmare", and if you do, the targeted monster gains ATK equal to the Level of the monster sent to the GY x 100, until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Orcust Knightmare" once per turn.

R Rarity
Speedroid Taketomborg
R Rarity
Speedroid Taketomborg
R Rarity
Speedroid Taketomborg
Speedroid Taketomborg
  • ATK:

  • 600

  • DEF:

  • 1200

If you control a WIND monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Speedroid" Tuner monster from your Deck, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except WIND monsters. You can only Special Summon "Speedroid Taketomborg(s)" once per turn.

SR Rarity
Speedroid Terrortop
SR Rarity
Speedroid Terrortop
SR Rarity
Speedroid Terrortop
Speedroid Terrortop
  • ATK:

  • 1200

  • DEF:

  • 600

If you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Speedroid" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Speedroid Terrortop". You can only use this effect of "Speedroid Terrortop" once per turn.

SR Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
SR Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
SR Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
  • ATK:

  • 800

  • DEF:

  • 1000

If this card is in Attack Position: You can target 1 DARK monster on the field; change this card to Defense Position, and if you do, that monster gains 800 ATK/DEF until the end of your opponent's turn. You can banish this card from your GY; add 1 "The Phantom Knights" card from your Deck to your hand, except "The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak". You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak" once per turn.

N Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
N Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
N Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
  • ATK:

  • 1000

  • DEF:

  • 500

A DARK Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card on the field as Xyz Material gains this effect. ● If it is Xyz Summoned: It gains 1000 ATK. You can banish this card from your GY; send 1 "Phantom Knights" card from your Deck to the GY. You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves" once per turn.

SR Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
SR Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
SR Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
  • ATK:

  • 200

  • DEF:

  • 1200

If you control a "The Phantom Knights" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots" once per turn this way. You can banish this card from your GY; add 1 "Phantom Knights" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots" once per turn.

R Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales
R Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales
R Rarity
The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales
The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales
  • ATK:

  • 600

  • DEF:

  • 1600

You can discard 1 card; send 1 "Phantom Knights" card from your Deck to the GY, except "The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales". If another "Phantom Knights" card in your GY is banished, while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales" once per turn.

UR Rarity
Wandering Gryphon Rider
UR Rarity
Wandering Gryphon Rider
UR Rarity
Wandering Gryphon Rider
Wandering Gryphon Rider
  • ATK:

  • 2000

  • DEF:

  • 2800

During the Main Phase, if you control no monsters, or control an "Adventurer Token" (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand. When a card or effect is activated while you control an "Adventurer Token" (Quick Effect): You can shuffle this card into the Deck, and if you do, negate that activation, and if you do that, destroy that card. You can only use each effect of "Wandering Gryphon Rider" once per turn.

UR Rarity
Water Enchantress of the Temple
UR Rarity
Water Enchantress of the Temple
UR Rarity
Water Enchantress of the Temple
Water Enchantress of the Temple
  • ATK:

  • 1500

  • DEF:

  • 1200

If you control an "Adventurer Token": You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can banish this card from your hand or GY; add 1 "Rite of Aramesir" from your Deck or GY to your hand. If you control an "Adventurer Token": You can place 1 Field Spell that mentions "Adventurer Token" from your Deck face-up in your Field Zone. You can only use each effect of "Water Enchantress of the Temple" once per turn.

UR Rarity
Dark Magician
UR Rarity
Dark Magician
UR Rarity
Dark Magician
Dark Magician
  • ATK:

  • 2500

  • DEF:

  • 2100

''The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.''

UR Rarity
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
UR Rarity
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
UR Rarity
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
  • ATK:

  • 2400

  • DEF:

  • 2000

''A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack.''

UR Rarity
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
UR Rarity
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
UR Rarity
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 1800

When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that effect. ● Add a card from the Deck to the hand. ● Special Summon from the Deck. ● Send a card from the Deck to the GY. You can only use this effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" once per turn.

UR Rarity
Called by the Grave
UR Rarity
Called by the Grave
UR Rarity
Called by the Grave
Spell Quick
Called by the Grave

    Target 1 monster in your opponent's GY; banish it, and if you do, until the end of the next turn, its effects are negated, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of monsters with the same original name.


    UR Rarity
    Crossout Designator
    UR Rarity
    Crossout Designator
    UR Rarity
    Crossout Designator
    Spell Quick
    Crossout Designator

      Declare 1 card name; banish 1 of that declared card from your Main Deck, and if you do, negate its effects, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of cards with the same original name, until the end of this turn. You can only activate 1 "Crossout Designator" per turn.


      R Rarity
      Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon
      R Rarity
      Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon
      R Rarity
      Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon
      Spell Equip
      Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon

        Equip only to a monster you control. You can only control 1 "Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon". You can only use each of the following effects of "Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon" once per turn. While this card is equipped to a non-Effect Monster: You can target 1 card your opponent controls; return it to the hand. If this card is sent to the GY: You can target 1 "Adventurer Token" you control; equip this card to that target.

        SR Rarity
        Fateful Adventure
        SR Rarity
        Fateful Adventure
        SR Rarity
        Fateful Adventure
        Spell Continuous
        Fateful Adventure

          Once per turn, the first time a monster you control equipped with an Equip Spell would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. You can only use each of the following effects of "Fateful Adventure" once per turn. During your Main Phase: You can add 1 monster that mentions "Adventurer Token" from your Deck to your hand, then send 1 card from your hand to the GY. If a monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned: You can take 1 Equip Spell that mentions "Adventurer Token" from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or equip it to 1 "Adventurer Token" you control.

          R Rarity
          Orcustrated Babel
          R Rarity
          Orcustrated Babel
          R Rarity
          Orcustrated Babel
          Spell Field
          Orcustrated Babel

            You can activate the effects of "Orcust" monsters in your GY, or of Link Monsters you control with "Orcust" in their original names, as Quick Effects. During your Main Phase, if this card is in your GY, except the turn it was sent to the GY: You can send 1 card from your hand to the GY; add this card to your hand.

            SR Rarity
            Red-Eyes Fusion
            SR Rarity
            Red-Eyes Fusion
            SR Rarity
            Red-Eyes Fusion
            Spell Normal
            Red-Eyes Fusion

              Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster that lists a "Red-Eyes" monster as material from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand, Deck, or field as Fusion Materials, and if you do, its name becomes "Red-Eyes B. Dragon". You cannot Normal or Special Summon other monsters the turn you activate this card. You can only activate 1 "Red-Eyes Fusion" per turn.

              UR Rarity
              Rite of Aramesir
              UR Rarity
              Rite of Aramesir
              UR Rarity
              Rite of Aramesir
              Spell Normal
              Rite of Aramesir

                If you control no "Adventurer Token": Special Summon 1 "Adventurer Token" (Fairy/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 2000/DEF 2000), then if you do not control "Fateful Adventure", you can place 1 "Fateful Adventure" from your Deck face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone. You cannot activate the effects of monsters on the field the turn you activate this card, except Special Summoned monsters'. You can only activate 1 "Rite of Aramesir" per turn.

                UR Rarity
                Triple Tactics Talent
                UR Rarity
                Triple Tactics Talent
                UR Rarity
                Triple Tactics Talent
                Spell Normal
                Triple Tactics Talent

                  If your opponent has activated a monster effect during your Main Phase this turn: Activate 1 of these effects; ● Draw 2 cards. ● Take control of 1 monster your opponent controls until the End Phase. ● Look at your opponent's hand, and choose 1 card from it to shuffle into the Deck. You can only activate 1 "Triple Tactics Talent" per turn.


                  UR Rarity
                  Infinite Impermanence
                  UR Rarity
                  Infinite Impermanence
                  UR Rarity
                  Infinite Impermanence
                  Trap Normal
                  Infinite Impermanence

                    Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; negate its effects (until the end of this turn), then, if this card was Set before activation and is on the field at resolution, for the rest of this turn all other Spell/Trap effects in this column are negated. If you control no cards, you can activate this card from your hand.

                    R Rarity
                    Phantom Knights' Fog Blade
                    R Rarity
                    Phantom Knights' Fog Blade
                    R Rarity
                    Phantom Knights' Fog Blade
                    Trap Continuous
                    Phantom Knights' Fog Blade

                      Activate this card by targeting 1 Effect Monster on the field; negate that face-up monster's effects, that face-up monster cannot attack, also monsters cannot target that face-up monster for attacks. When it leaves the field, destroy this card. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use this effect of "Phantom Knights' Fog Blade" once per turn.

                      N Rarity
                      Phantom Knights' Wing
                      N Rarity
                      Phantom Knights' Wing
                      N Rarity
                      Phantom Knights' Wing
                      Trap Normal
                      Phantom Knights' Wing

                        Target 1 face-up monster on the field; it gains 500 ATK, also the first time that target would be destroyed by battle or card effect this turn, it is not destroyed. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use this effect of "Phantom Knights' Wing" once per turn.

                        SR Rarity
                        The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
                        SR Rarity
                        The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
                        SR Rarity
                        The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
                        Trap Normal
                        The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine

                          Special Summon this card in Defense Position as a Normal Monster (Warrior/DARK/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 300). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If you have no Traps in your GY, you can activate this card the turn it was Set. You can only activate 1 "The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine" per turn.

                          Extra Deck

                          UR Rarity
                          Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                          UR Rarity
                          Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                          UR Rarity
                          Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                          DARK 8
                          Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                          • ATK:

                          • 3000

                          • DEF:

                          • 2500

                          "Dark Magician" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" or 1 Dragon Effect Monster Cannot be destroyed by card effects. Neither player can target this card with card effects. During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original ATK. You can use this effect a number of times per turn up to the number of Normal Monsters used as Fusion Material for this card. Once per turn, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, and if you do that, this card gains 1000 ATK.

                          UR Rarity
                          Accesscode Talker
                          UR Rarity
                          Accesscode Talker
                          UR Rarity
                          Accesscode Talker
                          Accesscode Talker
                          • ATK:

                          • 2300

                          • LINK-4

                          Link Arrow:





                          2+ Effect Monsters Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this card's effect activations. If this card is Link Summoned: You can target 1 Link Monster that was used as material for its Link Summon; this card gains ATK equal to that monster's Link Rating x 1000. You can banish 1 Link Monster from your field or GY; destroy 1 card your opponent controls, also for the rest of this turn, you cannot banish monsters with that same Attribute to activate this effect of "Accesscode Talker".


                          UR Rarity
                          Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss
                          UR Rarity
                          Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss
                          UR Rarity
                          Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss
                          Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss
                          • ATK:

                          • 500

                          • LINK-2

                          Link Arrow:



                          2 Level 3 monsters Monsters this card points to cannot be destroyed by card effects. If this card would be destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect, you can send 1 other card you control to the GY instead. You can send 1 Level 3 monster from your Deck to the GY, then target 1 "Burning Abyss" monster on the field; it gains ATK/DEF equal to the ATK/DEF of the monster sent to the GY, until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss" once per turn.

                          SR Rarity
                          Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
                          SR Rarity
                          Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
                          SR Rarity
                          Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
                          Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
                          • ATK:

                          • 1800

                          • LINK-2

                          Link Arrow:



                          2 Effect Monsters, including an "Orcust" monster This linked card cannot be destroyed by battle. You can target 1 of your banished Machine monsters; shuffle it into the Deck, then you can Set 1 "Orcust" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck. You can only use this effect of "Galatea, the Orcust Automaton" once per turn.

                          R Rarity
                          Haggard Lizardose
                          R Rarity
                          Haggard Lizardose
                          R Rarity
                          Haggard Lizardose
                          Haggard Lizardose
                          • ATK:

                          • 800

                          • LINK-2

                          Link Arrow:



                          2 monsters with different names You can banish 1 monster from your face-up field or GY with 2000 or less ATK, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; make its ATK become equal to the original ATK of the monster banished to activate this effect (until the end of this turn), then if you banished a monster that was originally Reptile, draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Haggard Lizardose" once per turn.

                          UR Rarity
                          I:P Masquerena
                          UR Rarity
                          I:P Masquerena
                          UR Rarity
                          I:P Masquerena
                          I:P Masquerena
                          • ATK:

                          • 800

                          • LINK-2

                          Link Arrow:



                          2 non-Link Monsters During your opponent's Main Phase, you can (Quick Effect): Immediately after this effect resolves, Link Summon 1 Link Monster using materials you control, including this card. You can only use this effect of "I:P Masquerena" once per turn. A Link Monster that used this card as material cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

                          SR Rarity
                          Knightmare Cerberus
                          SR Rarity
                          Knightmare Cerberus
                          SR Rarity
                          Knightmare Cerberus
                          Knightmare Cerberus
                          • ATK:

                          • 1600

                          • LINK-2

                          Link Arrow:



                          2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Special Summoned monster in your opponent's Main Monster Zone; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Cerberus" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects.

                          UR Rarity
                          Knightmare Mermaid
                          UR Rarity
                          Knightmare Mermaid
                          UR Rarity
                          Knightmare Mermaid
                          Knightmare Mermaid
                          • ATK:

                          • 1000

                          • LINK-1

                          Link Arrow:


                          1 "Knightmare" monster, except "Knightmare Mermaid" If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card; Special Summon 1 "Knightmare" monster from your Deck, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Mermaid" once per turn. Monsters on the field lose 1000 ATK/DEF, unless they are co-linked.

                          SR Rarity
                          Knightmare Phoenix
                          SR Rarity
                          Knightmare Phoenix
                          SR Rarity
                          Knightmare Phoenix
                          Knightmare Phoenix
                          • ATK:

                          • 1900

                          • LINK-2

                          Link Arrow:



                          2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Phoenix" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

                          SR Rarity
                          Link Spider
                          SR Rarity
                          Link Spider
                          SR Rarity
                          Link Spider
                          Link Spider
                          • ATK:

                          • 1000

                          • LINK-1

                          Link Arrow:


                          1 Normal Monster Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from your hand to your zone this card points to.

                          UR Rarity
                          Predaplant Verte Anaconda
                          UR Rarity
                          Predaplant Verte Anaconda
                          UR Rarity
                          Predaplant Verte Anaconda
                          Predaplant Verte Anaconda
                          • ATK:

                          • 500

                          • LINK-2

                          Link Arrow:



                          2 Effect Monsters You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; it becomes DARK until the end of this turn. You can pay 2000 LP and send 1 "Fusion" or "Polymerization" Normal or Quick-Play Spell from your Deck to the GY; this effect becomes that Spell's effect when that card is activated, also, you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn. You can only use each effect of "Predaplant Verte Anaconda" once per turn.

                          UR Rarity
                          S:P Little Knight
                          UR Rarity
                          S:P Little Knight
                          UR Rarity
                          S:P Little Knight
                          S:P Little Knight
                          • ATK:

                          • 1600

                          • LINK-2

                          Link Arrow:



                          2 Effect Monsters If this card is Link Summoned using a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster as material: You can target 1 card on the field or in either GY; banish it, also your monsters cannot attack directly this turn. When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can target 2 face-up monsters on the field, including a monster you control; banish both until the End Phase. You can only use each effect of "S:P Little Knight" once per turn.

                          UR Rarity
                          The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche
                          UR Rarity
                          The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche
                          UR Rarity
                          The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche
                          The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche
                          • ATK:

                          • 2100

                          • LINK-3

                          Link Arrow:




                          2+ DARK monsters During your Main Phase: You can send 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster from your Deck to the GY, then Set 1 "Phantom Knights" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck to your Spell & Trap Zone. If a DARK Xyz Monster(s) is Special Summoned to a zone(s) this card points to, while this monster is on the field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche" once per turn. Cannot be used as Link Material.

                          UR Rarity
                          Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
                          UR Rarity
                          Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
                          UR Rarity
                          Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
                          Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
                          • ATK:

                          • 2600

                          • DEF:

                          • 2100

                          2 Level 8 monsters You can only Special Summon "Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star(s)" once per turn. You can also Xyz Summon this card by using an "Orcust" Link Monster you control as material. If a card(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can detach 1 material from this card instead. If this card is Special Summoned: You can activate 1 of these effects; ● Send 1 card your opponent controls to the GY. ● Attach 1 of your banished Machine monsters to this card as material.

                          SR Rarity
                          The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
                          SR Rarity
                          The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
                          SR Rarity
                          The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
                          The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
                          • ATK:

                          • 2000

                          • DEF:

                          • 1000

                          2 Level 3 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 card you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them. If this Xyz Summoned card is destroyed: You can target 2 "The Phantom Knights" monsters with the same Level in your GY; Special Summon them and increase their Levels by 1, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except DARK monsters.

                          Need 27 UR

                          UR Rarity
                          Maxx "C"3 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Wandering Gryphon Rider1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Water Enchantress of the Temple1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Accesscode Talker1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          I:P Masquerena1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Knightmare Mermaid1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Predaplant Verte Anaconda1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          S:P Little Knight1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Dark Magician1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Red-Eyes Black Dragon1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring3 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Called by the Grave2 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Crossout Designator1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Rite of Aramesir1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Triple Tactics Talent1 card
                          UR Rarity
                          Infinite Impermanence3 card

                          Main: 44 Extra: 15

                          SR Rarity
                          3 cardD.D. Crow
                          SR Rarity
                          3 cardD.D. Crow
                          D.D. Crow
                          DARK 1
                          D.D. Crow
                          • ATK:

                          • 100

                          • DEF:

                          • 100

                          (Quick Effect): You can discard this card to the GY, then target 1 card in your opponent's GY; banish that target.

                          UR Rarity
                          3 cardMaxx "C"
                          UR Rarity
                          3 cardMaxx "C"
                          Maxx "C"
                          EARTH 2
                          Maxx "C"
                          • ATK:

                          • 500

                          • DEF:

                          • 200

                          During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), immediately draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.

                          N Rarity
                          1 cardOrcust Cymbal Skeleton
                          N Rarity
                          1 cardOrcust Cymbal Skeleton
                          Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
                          DARK 3
                          Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
                          • ATK:

                          • 1200

                          • DEF:

                          • 1500

                          You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Orcust" monster in your GY, except "Orcust Cymbal Skeleton"; Special Summon it, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except DARK monsters. You can only use this effect of "Orcust Cymbal Skeleton" once per turn.

                          R Rarity
                          1 cardOrcust Harp Horror
                          R Rarity
                          1 cardOrcust Harp Horror
                          Orcust Harp Horror
                          DARK 4
                          Orcust Harp Horror
                          • ATK:

                          • 1700

                          • DEF:

                          • 1400

                          You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 "Orcust" monster from your Deck, except "Orcust Harp Horror", also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except DARK monsters. You can only use this effect of "Orcust Harp Horror" once per turn.

                          R Rarity
                          1 cardOrcust Knightmare
                          R Rarity
                          1 cardOrcust Knightmare
                          Orcust Knightmare
                          DARK 7
                          Orcust Knightmare
                          • ATK:

                          • 100

                          • DEF:

                          • 2000

                          Cannot be destroyed by battle with a Link Monster. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; you cannot Special Summon monsters, except DARK monsters, for the rest of this turn, also send 1 DARK Machine monster from your Deck to the GY, except "Orcust Knightmare", and if you do, the targeted monster gains ATK equal to the Level of the monster sent to the GY x 100, until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Orcust Knightmare" once per turn.

                          R Rarity
                          1 cardSpeedroid Taketomborg
                          R Rarity
                          1 cardSpeedroid Taketomborg
                          Speedroid Taketomborg
                          WIND 3
                          Speedroid Taketomborg
                          • ATK:

                          • 600

                          • DEF:

                          • 1200

                          If you control a WIND monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can Tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Speedroid" Tuner monster from your Deck, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except WIND monsters. You can only Special Summon "Speedroid Taketomborg(s)" once per turn.

                          SR Rarity
                          3 cardSpeedroid Terrortop
                          SR Rarity
                          3 cardSpeedroid Terrortop
                          Speedroid Terrortop
                          WIND 3
                          Speedroid Terrortop
                          • ATK:

                          • 1200

                          • DEF:

                          • 600

                          If you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Speedroid" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Speedroid Terrortop". You can only use this effect of "Speedroid Terrortop" once per turn.

                          SR Rarity
                          2 cardThe Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
                          SR Rarity
                          2 cardThe Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
                          The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
                          DARK 3
                          The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak
                          • ATK:

                          • 800

                          • DEF:

                          • 1000

                          If this card is in Attack Position: You can target 1 DARK monster on the field; change this card to Defense Position, and if you do, that monster gains 800 ATK/DEF until the end of your opponent's turn. You can banish this card from your GY; add 1 "The Phantom Knights" card from your Deck to your hand, except "The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak". You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak" once per turn.

                          N Rarity
                          1 cardThe Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
                          N Rarity
                          1 cardThe Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
                          The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
                          DARK 3
                          The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves
                          • ATK:

                          • 1000

                          • DEF:

                          • 500

                          A DARK Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card on the field as Xyz Material gains this effect. ● If it is Xyz Summoned: It gains 1000 ATK. You can banish this card from your GY; send 1 "Phantom Knights" card from your Deck to the GY. You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves" once per turn.

                          SR Rarity
                          3 cardThe Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
                          SR Rarity
                          3 cardThe Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
                          The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
                          DARK 3
                          The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots
                          • ATK:

                          • 200

                          • DEF:

                          • 1200

                          If you control a "The Phantom Knights" monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots" once per turn this way. You can banish this card from your GY; add 1 "Phantom Knights" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots" once per turn.

                          R Rarity
                          2 cardThe Phantom Knights of Torn Scales
                          R Rarity
                          2 cardThe Phantom Knights of Torn Scales
                          The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales
                          DARK 3
                          The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales
                          • ATK:

                          • 600

                          • DEF:

                          • 1600

                          You can discard 1 card; send 1 "Phantom Knights" card from your Deck to the GY, except "The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales". If another "Phantom Knights" card in your GY is banished, while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales" once per turn.

                          UR Rarity
                          1 cardWandering Gryphon Rider
                          UR Rarity
                          1 cardWandering Gryphon Rider
                          Wandering Gryphon Rider
                          WIND 7
                          Wandering Gryphon Rider
                          • ATK:

                          • 2000

                          • DEF:

                          • 2800

                          During the Main Phase, if you control no monsters, or control an "Adventurer Token" (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand. When a card or effect is activated while you control an "Adventurer Token" (Quick Effect): You can shuffle this card into the Deck, and if you do, negate that activation, and if you do that, destroy that card. You can only use each effect of "Wandering Gryphon Rider" once per turn.

                          UR Rarity
                          1 cardWater Enchantress of the Temple
                          UR Rarity
                          1 cardWater Enchantress of the Temple
                          Water Enchantress of the Temple
                          WATER 3
                          Water Enchantress of the Temple
                          • ATK:

                          • 1500

                          • DEF:

                          • 1200

                          If you control an "Adventurer Token": You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You can banish this card from your hand or GY; add 1 "Rite of Aramesir" from your Deck or GY to your hand. If you control an "Adventurer Token": You can place 1 Field Spell that mentions "Adventurer Token" from your Deck face-up in your Field Zone. You can only use each effect of "Water Enchantress of the Temple" once per turn.

                          UR Rarity
                          1 cardDark Magician
                          UR Rarity
                          1 cardDark Magician
                          Dark Magician
                          DARK 7
                          Dark Magician
                          • ATK:

                          • 2500

                          • DEF:

                          • 2100

                          ''The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.''

                          UR Rarity
                          1 cardRed-Eyes Black Dragon
                          UR Rarity
                          1 cardRed-Eyes Black Dragon
                          Red-Eyes Black Dragon
                          DARK 7
                          Red-Eyes Black Dragon
                          • ATK:

                          • 2400

                          • DEF:

                          • 2000

                          ''A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack.''

                          UR Rarity
                          3 cardAsh Blossom & Joyous Spring
                          UR Rarity
                          3 cardAsh Blossom & Joyous Spring
                          Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
                          FIRE 3
                          Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
                          • ATK:

                          • 0

                          • DEF:

                          • 1800

                          When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that effect. ● Add a card from the Deck to the hand. ● Special Summon from the Deck. ● Send a card from the Deck to the GY. You can only use this effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" once per turn.

                          UR Rarity
                          2 cardCalled by the Grave
                          UR Rarity
                          2 cardCalled by the Grave
                          Called by the Grave
                          Spell Quick
                          Called by the Grave

                            Target 1 monster in your opponent's GY; banish it, and if you do, until the end of the next turn, its effects are negated, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of monsters with the same original name.


                            UR Rarity
                            1 cardCrossout Designator
                            UR Rarity
                            1 cardCrossout Designator
                            Crossout Designator
                            Spell Quick
                            Crossout Designator

                              Declare 1 card name; banish 1 of that declared card from your Main Deck, and if you do, negate its effects, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of cards with the same original name, until the end of this turn. You can only activate 1 "Crossout Designator" per turn.


                              R Rarity
                              1 cardDracoback, the Rideable Dragon
                              R Rarity
                              1 cardDracoback, the Rideable Dragon
                              Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon
                              Spell Equip
                              Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon

                                Equip only to a monster you control. You can only control 1 "Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon". You can only use each of the following effects of "Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon" once per turn. While this card is equipped to a non-Effect Monster: You can target 1 card your opponent controls; return it to the hand. If this card is sent to the GY: You can target 1 "Adventurer Token" you control; equip this card to that target.

                                SR Rarity
                                1 cardFateful Adventure
                                SR Rarity
                                1 cardFateful Adventure
                                Fateful Adventure
                                Spell Continuous
                                Fateful Adventure

                                  Once per turn, the first time a monster you control equipped with an Equip Spell would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. You can only use each of the following effects of "Fateful Adventure" once per turn. During your Main Phase: You can add 1 monster that mentions "Adventurer Token" from your Deck to your hand, then send 1 card from your hand to the GY. If a monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned: You can take 1 Equip Spell that mentions "Adventurer Token" from your Deck, and either add it to your hand or equip it to 1 "Adventurer Token" you control.

                                  R Rarity
                                  1 cardOrcustrated Babel
                                  R Rarity
                                  1 cardOrcustrated Babel
                                  Orcustrated Babel
                                  Spell Field
                                  Orcustrated Babel

                                    You can activate the effects of "Orcust" monsters in your GY, or of Link Monsters you control with "Orcust" in their original names, as Quick Effects. During your Main Phase, if this card is in your GY, except the turn it was sent to the GY: You can send 1 card from your hand to the GY; add this card to your hand.

                                    SR Rarity
                                    1 cardRed-Eyes Fusion
                                    SR Rarity
                                    1 cardRed-Eyes Fusion
                                    Red-Eyes Fusion
                                    Spell Normal
                                    Red-Eyes Fusion

                                      Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster that lists a "Red-Eyes" monster as material from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand, Deck, or field as Fusion Materials, and if you do, its name becomes "Red-Eyes B. Dragon". You cannot Normal or Special Summon other monsters the turn you activate this card. You can only activate 1 "Red-Eyes Fusion" per turn.

                                      UR Rarity
                                      1 cardRite of Aramesir
                                      UR Rarity
                                      1 cardRite of Aramesir
                                      Rite of Aramesir
                                      Spell Normal
                                      Rite of Aramesir

                                        If you control no "Adventurer Token": Special Summon 1 "Adventurer Token" (Fairy/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 2000/DEF 2000), then if you do not control "Fateful Adventure", you can place 1 "Fateful Adventure" from your Deck face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone. You cannot activate the effects of monsters on the field the turn you activate this card, except Special Summoned monsters'. You can only activate 1 "Rite of Aramesir" per turn.

                                        UR Rarity
                                        1 cardTriple Tactics Talent
                                        UR Rarity
                                        1 cardTriple Tactics Talent
                                        Triple Tactics Talent
                                        Spell Normal
                                        Triple Tactics Talent

                                          If your opponent has activated a monster effect during your Main Phase this turn: Activate 1 of these effects; ● Draw 2 cards. ● Take control of 1 monster your opponent controls until the End Phase. ● Look at your opponent's hand, and choose 1 card from it to shuffle into the Deck. You can only activate 1 "Triple Tactics Talent" per turn.


                                          UR Rarity
                                          3 cardInfinite Impermanence
                                          UR Rarity
                                          3 cardInfinite Impermanence
                                          Infinite Impermanence
                                          Trap Normal
                                          Infinite Impermanence

                                            Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; negate its effects (until the end of this turn), then, if this card was Set before activation and is on the field at resolution, for the rest of this turn all other Spell/Trap effects in this column are negated. If you control no cards, you can activate this card from your hand.

                                            R Rarity
                                            2 cardPhantom Knights' Fog Blade
                                            R Rarity
                                            2 cardPhantom Knights' Fog Blade
                                            Phantom Knights' Fog Blade
                                            Trap Continuous
                                            Phantom Knights' Fog Blade

                                              Activate this card by targeting 1 Effect Monster on the field; negate that face-up monster's effects, that face-up monster cannot attack, also monsters cannot target that face-up monster for attacks. When it leaves the field, destroy this card. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use this effect of "Phantom Knights' Fog Blade" once per turn.

                                              N Rarity
                                              1 cardPhantom Knights' Wing
                                              N Rarity
                                              1 cardPhantom Knights' Wing
                                              Phantom Knights' Wing
                                              Trap Normal
                                              Phantom Knights' Wing

                                                Target 1 face-up monster on the field; it gains 500 ATK, also the first time that target would be destroyed by battle or card effect this turn, it is not destroyed. You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but banish it when it leaves the field. You can only use this effect of "Phantom Knights' Wing" once per turn.

                                                SR Rarity
                                                1 cardThe Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
                                                SR Rarity
                                                1 cardThe Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
                                                The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
                                                Trap Normal
                                                The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine

                                                  Special Summon this card in Defense Position as a Normal Monster (Warrior/DARK/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 300). (This card is NOT treated as a Trap.) If you have no Traps in your GY, you can activate this card the turn it was Set. You can only activate 1 "The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine" per turn.

                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardRed-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardRed-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                                                  Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                                                  DARK 8
                                                  Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 3000

                                                  • DEF:

                                                  • 2500

                                                  "Dark Magician" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" or 1 Dragon Effect Monster Cannot be destroyed by card effects. Neither player can target this card with card effects. During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original ATK. You can use this effect a number of times per turn up to the number of Normal Monsters used as Fusion Material for this card. Once per turn, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, and if you do that, this card gains 1000 ATK.

                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardAccesscode Talker
                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardAccesscode Talker
                                                  Accesscode Talker
                                                  Accesscode Talker
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 2300

                                                  • LINK-4

                                                  Link Arrow:





                                                  2+ Effect Monsters Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this card's effect activations. If this card is Link Summoned: You can target 1 Link Monster that was used as material for its Link Summon; this card gains ATK equal to that monster's Link Rating x 1000. You can banish 1 Link Monster from your field or GY; destroy 1 card your opponent controls, also for the rest of this turn, you cannot banish monsters with that same Attribute to activate this effect of "Accesscode Talker".


                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardCherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss
                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardCherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss
                                                  Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss
                                                  Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 500

                                                  • LINK-2

                                                  Link Arrow:



                                                  2 Level 3 monsters Monsters this card points to cannot be destroyed by card effects. If this card would be destroyed by battle or an opponent's card effect, you can send 1 other card you control to the GY instead. You can send 1 Level 3 monster from your Deck to the GY, then target 1 "Burning Abyss" monster on the field; it gains ATK/DEF equal to the ATK/DEF of the monster sent to the GY, until the end of this turn. You can only use this effect of "Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss" once per turn.

                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardGalatea, the Orcust Automaton
                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardGalatea, the Orcust Automaton
                                                  Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
                                                  Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 1800

                                                  • LINK-2

                                                  Link Arrow:



                                                  2 Effect Monsters, including an "Orcust" monster This linked card cannot be destroyed by battle. You can target 1 of your banished Machine monsters; shuffle it into the Deck, then you can Set 1 "Orcust" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck. You can only use this effect of "Galatea, the Orcust Automaton" once per turn.

                                                  R Rarity
                                                  1 cardHaggard Lizardose
                                                  R Rarity
                                                  1 cardHaggard Lizardose
                                                  Haggard Lizardose
                                                  Haggard Lizardose
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 800

                                                  • LINK-2

                                                  Link Arrow:



                                                  2 monsters with different names You can banish 1 monster from your face-up field or GY with 2000 or less ATK, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; make its ATK become equal to the original ATK of the monster banished to activate this effect (until the end of this turn), then if you banished a monster that was originally Reptile, draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Haggard Lizardose" once per turn.

                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardI:P Masquerena
                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardI:P Masquerena
                                                  I:P Masquerena
                                                  I:P Masquerena
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 800

                                                  • LINK-2

                                                  Link Arrow:



                                                  2 non-Link Monsters During your opponent's Main Phase, you can (Quick Effect): Immediately after this effect resolves, Link Summon 1 Link Monster using materials you control, including this card. You can only use this effect of "I:P Masquerena" once per turn. A Link Monster that used this card as material cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardKnightmare Cerberus
                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardKnightmare Cerberus
                                                  Knightmare Cerberus
                                                  Knightmare Cerberus
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 1600

                                                  • LINK-2

                                                  Link Arrow:



                                                  2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Special Summoned monster in your opponent's Main Monster Zone; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Cerberus" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects.

                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardKnightmare Mermaid
                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardKnightmare Mermaid
                                                  Knightmare Mermaid
                                                  Knightmare Mermaid
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 1000

                                                  • LINK-1

                                                  Link Arrow:


                                                  1 "Knightmare" monster, except "Knightmare Mermaid" If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card; Special Summon 1 "Knightmare" monster from your Deck, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Mermaid" once per turn. Monsters on the field lose 1000 ATK/DEF, unless they are co-linked.

                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardKnightmare Phoenix
                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardKnightmare Phoenix
                                                  Knightmare Phoenix
                                                  Knightmare Phoenix
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 1900

                                                  • LINK-2

                                                  Link Arrow:



                                                  2 monsters with different names If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it, then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Knightmare Phoenix" once per turn. Co-linked monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardLink Spider
                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardLink Spider
                                                  Link Spider
                                                  Link Spider
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 1000

                                                  • LINK-1

                                                  Link Arrow:


                                                  1 Normal Monster Once per turn: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from your hand to your zone this card points to.

                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardPredaplant Verte Anaconda
                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardPredaplant Verte Anaconda
                                                  Predaplant Verte Anaconda
                                                  Predaplant Verte Anaconda
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 500

                                                  • LINK-2

                                                  Link Arrow:



                                                  2 Effect Monsters You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; it becomes DARK until the end of this turn. You can pay 2000 LP and send 1 "Fusion" or "Polymerization" Normal or Quick-Play Spell from your Deck to the GY; this effect becomes that Spell's effect when that card is activated, also, you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn. You can only use each effect of "Predaplant Verte Anaconda" once per turn.

                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardS:P Little Knight
                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardS:P Little Knight
                                                  S:P Little Knight
                                                  S:P Little Knight
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 1600

                                                  • LINK-2

                                                  Link Arrow:



                                                  2 Effect Monsters If this card is Link Summoned using a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster as material: You can target 1 card on the field or in either GY; banish it, also your monsters cannot attack directly this turn. When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can target 2 face-up monsters on the field, including a monster you control; banish both until the End Phase. You can only use each effect of "S:P Little Knight" once per turn.

                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardThe Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche
                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardThe Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche
                                                  The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche
                                                  The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 2100

                                                  • LINK-3

                                                  Link Arrow:




                                                  2+ DARK monsters During your Main Phase: You can send 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster from your Deck to the GY, then Set 1 "Phantom Knights" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck to your Spell & Trap Zone. If a DARK Xyz Monster(s) is Special Summoned to a zone(s) this card points to, while this monster is on the field (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. You can only use each effect of "The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche" once per turn. Cannot be used as Link Material.

                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardDingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
                                                  UR Rarity
                                                  1 cardDingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
                                                  Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
                                                  Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 2600

                                                  • DEF:

                                                  • 2100

                                                  2 Level 8 monsters You can only Special Summon "Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star(s)" once per turn. You can also Xyz Summon this card by using an "Orcust" Link Monster you control as material. If a card(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can detach 1 material from this card instead. If this card is Special Summoned: You can activate 1 of these effects; ● Send 1 card your opponent controls to the GY. ● Attach 1 of your banished Machine monsters to this card as material.

                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardThe Phantom Knights of Break Sword
                                                  SR Rarity
                                                  1 cardThe Phantom Knights of Break Sword
                                                  The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
                                                  The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
                                                  • ATK:

                                                  • 2000

                                                  • DEF:

                                                  • 1000

                                                  2 Level 3 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 card you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them. If this Xyz Summoned card is destroyed: You can target 2 "The Phantom Knights" monsters with the same Level in your GY; Special Summon them and increase their Levels by 1, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except DARK monsters.

                                                  ADVENTURER TOKEN Decks in MASTER DUEL

                                                  Top Packs & Boxes used
